BP Catalog Number is used for those of you who sell items to customers using items from vendors. So you can use the item number from the vendor for the purchase order document, then you can also use the item number from the customer for the sales order document to distinguish it. Like the example in the image below
We buy a 256GB USB Flashdrive from a vendor using with item code: I00004 , but when selling to customers we want to use USBFD256 for the code. It can all be made in BP Catalog Number!
To make it, you must first select the customer in the BP tab by filling in the Code, then specify the item that you want to make the BP Catalog Number and then fill in BP Catalog No. his.
You can also change the BP Catalog Number according to the item, we select the item tab first, then specify which BP that we want to make a BP Catalog No.
If we have finished creating a BP Catalog Number, when we make a Sales Order a BP Catalog No will appear in accordance with what we made.
Note *: Make sure you display the “BP Catalog No.” tab in the Form Settings
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