If a company uses a different numbering series each year, it is required to manually change the document series for JE numbering, because the system does not make automatic changes specifically for Journal Entry.
Example: 2019 uses the 19-JE series, then for 2020 it uses the 20-JE series. If there is a JE document with a document date in 2020 and the numbering changes for JE have not been replaced, then the series used is still 19-JE, so it is necessary to make a manual change to Journal Entry numbering.
- Go to the menu Administration > Initialization > Document Numbering
- Double click on the box (Green highlight) for selecting the Journal Entry series
- Then choose the series that will be used (For this case it is 20-JE)
- Click ‘Set as Default’, and apply it for all user
- Click ‘Update’ to apply the changes
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