Sometimes, you’ll need to create simple queries to preview and analyze data, you can use “Query Generator” feature, or create some validation with SP Transaction Notification, create another SP Post Notification on your database, with custom queries that directly created on SQL Management Studio / HANA studio. But, you can’t remember all of tables name on SAP Business One.
Also read:
Here’s the full list of Object Types with Primary key on B1:
Table | Table description | Primary Key | Object Type |
OACT | G/L Accounts | AcctCode | 1 |
OCRD | Business Partner | CardCode | 2 |
ODSC | Bank Codes | AbsEntry | 3 |
OITM | Items | ItemCode | 4 |
OVTG | Tax Definition | Code | 5 |
OPLN | Price Lists | ListNum | 6 |
OSPP | Special Prices | CardCode, ItemCode | 7 |
OITG | Item Properties | ItmsTypCod | 8 |
ORTM | Rate Differences | LineNum, IsSysCurr | 9 |
OCRG | Card Groups | GroupCode | 10 |
OCPR | Contact Persons | CntctCode | 11 |
OUSR | Users | USERID | 12 |
OINV | A/R Invoice | DocEntry | 13 |
ORIN | A/R Credit Memo | DocEntry | 14 |
ODLN | Delivery | DocEntry | 15 |
ORDN | Returns | DocEntry | 16 |
ORDR | Sales Order | DocEntry | 17 |
OPCH | A/P Invoice | DocEntry | 18 |
ORPC | A/P Credit Memo | DocEntry | 19 |
OPDN | Goods Receipt PO | DocEntry | 20 |
ORPD | Goods Return | DocEntry | 21 |
OPOR | Purchase Order | DocEntry | 22 |
OQUT | Sales Quotation | DocEntry | 23 |
ORCT | Incoming Payment | DocEntry | 24 |
ODPS | Deposit | DeposId | 25 |
OMTH | Reconciliation History | MthAcctCod, IsInternal, MatchNum | 26 |
OCHH | Check Register | CheckKey | 27 |
OBTF | Journal Voucher Entry | BatchNum, TransId | 28 |
OBTD | Journal Vouchers List | BatchNum | 29 |
OJDT | Journal Entry | TransId | 30 |
OITW | Items – Warehouse | ItemCode, WhsCode | 31 |
OADP | Print Preferences | PrintId | 32 |
OCLG | Activities | ClgCode | 33 |
ORCR | Recurring Postings | RcurCode, Instance | 34 |
ONNM | Document Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 35 |
OCRC | Credit Cards | CreditCard | 36 |
OCRN | Currency Codes | CurrCode | 37 |
OIDX | CPI Codes | IdexCode | 38 |
OADM | Administration | Code | 39 |
OCTG | Payment Terms | GroupNum | 40 |
OPRF | Preferences | FormNumber, UserSign | 41 |
OBNK | External Bank Statement Received | AcctCode, Sequence | 42 |
OMRC | Manufacturers | FirmCode | 43 |
OCQG | Card Properties | GroupCode | 44 |
OTRC | Journal Entry Codes | TrnsCode | 45 |
OVPM | Outgoing Payments | DocEntry | 46 |
OSRL | Serial Numbers | ItemCode, SerialNum | 47 |
OALC | Loading Expenses | AlcCode | 48 |
OSHP | Delivery Types | TrnspCode | 49 |
OLGT | Length Units | UnitCode | 50 |
OWGT | Weight Units | UnitCode | 51 |
OITB | Item Groups | ItmsGrpCod | 52 |
OSLP | Sales Employee | SlpCode | 53 |
OFLT | Report – Selection Criteria | FormNum, UserSign, FilterName | 54 |
OTRT | Posting Templates | TrtCode | 55 |
OARG | Customs Groups | CstGrpCode | 56 |
OCHO | Checks for Payment | CheckKey | 57 |
OINM | Whse Journal | TransNum, Instance | 58 |
OIGN | Goods Receipt | DocEntry | 59 |
OIGE | Goods Issue | DocEntry | 60 |
OPRC | Cost Center | PrcCode | 61 |
OOCR | Cost Rate | OcrCode | 62 |
OPRJ | Project Codes | PrjCode | 63 |
OWHS | Warehouses | WhsCode | 64 |
OCOG | Commission Groups | GroupCode | 65 |
OITT | Product Tree | Code | 66 |
OWTR | Inventory Transfer | DocEntry | 67 |
OWKO | Production Instructions | OrderNum | 68 |
OIPF | Landed Costs | DocEntry | 69 |
OCRP | Payment Methods | CrTypeCode | 70 |
OCDT | Credit Card Payment | Code | 71 |
OCRH | Credit Card Management | AbsId, Instance | 72 |
OSCN | Customer/Vendor Cat. No. | ItemCode, CardCode, Substitute | 73 |
OCRV | Credit Payments | AbsId, PayId, Instance | 74 |
ORTT | CPI and FC Rates | RateDate, Currency | 75 |
ODPT | Postdated Deposit | DeposId | 76 |
OBGT | Budget | AbsId | 77 |
OBGD | Budget Cost Assess. Mthd | BgdCode | 78 |
ORCN | Retail Chains | ChainCode | 79 |
OALT | Alerts Template | Code | 80 |
OALR | Alerts | Code | 81 |
OAIB | Received Alerts | AlertCode, UserSign | 82 |
OAOB | Message Sent | AlertCode, UserSign | 83 |
OCLS | Activity Subjects | Code | 84 |
OSPG | Special Prices for Groups | CardCode, ObjType, ObjKey | 85 |
SPRG | Application Start | LineNum, UserCode | 86 |
OMLS | Distribution List | Code | 87 |
OENT | Shipping Types | DocEntry | 88 |
OSAL | Outgoing | DocEntry | 89 |
OTRA | Transition | DocEntry | 90 |
OBGS | Budget Scenario | AbsId | 91 |
OIRT | Interest Prices | Numerator | 92 |
OUDG | User Defaults | Code | 93 |
OSRI | Serial Numbers for Items | ItemCode, SysSerial | 94 |
OFRT | Financial Report Templates | AbsId | 95 |
OFRC | Financial Report Categories | TemplateId, CatId | 96 |
OOPR | Opportunity | OpprId | 97 |
OOIN | Interest | Num | 98 |
OOIR | Interest Level | Num | 99 |
OOSR | Information Source | Num | 100 |
OOST | Opportunity Stage | Num | 101 |
OOFR | Defect Cause | Num | 102 |
OCLT | Activity Types | Code | 103 |
OCLO | Meetings Location | Code | 104 |
OISR | Service Calls | RequestNum | 105 |
OIBT | Batch No. for Item | ItemCode, BatchNum, WhsCode | 106 |
OALI | Alternative Items 2 | OrigItem, AltItem | 107 |
OPRT | Partners | PrtId | 108 |
OCMT | Competitors | CompetId | 109 |
OUVV | User Validations | IndexID, LineNum | 110 |
OFPR | Posting Period | AbsEntry | 111 |
ODRF | Drafts | DocEntry | 112 |
OSRD | Batches and Serial Numbers | ItemCode, DocType, DocEntry, DocLineNum | 113 |
OUDC | User Display Cat. | CodeID | 114 |
OPVL | Lender – Pelecard | Code | 115 |
ODDT | Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy | Numerator | 116 |
ODDG | Withholding Tax Deduction Groups | Numerator | 117 |
OUBR | Branches | Code | 118 |
OUDP | Departments | Code | 119 |
OWST | Confirmation Level | WstCode | 120 |
OWTM | Approval Templates | WtmCode | 121 |
OWDD | Docs. for Confirmation | WddCode | 122 |
OCHD | Checks for Payment Drafts | CheckKey | 123 |
CINF | Company Info | Version | 124 |
OEXD | Freight Setup | ExpnsCode | 125 |
OSTA | Sales Tax Authorities | Code, Type | 126 |
OSTT | Sales Tax Authorities Type | AbsId | 127 |
OSTC | Sales Tax Codes | Code | 128 |
OCRY | Countries | Code | 129 |
OCST | States | Country, Code | 130 |
OADF | Address Formats | Code | 131 |
OCIN | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 132 |
OCDC | Cash Discount | Code | 133 |
OQCN | Query Catagories | CategoryId | 134 |
OIND | Triangular Deal | Code | 135 |
ODMW | Data Migration | Code | 136 |
OCSTN | Workstation ID | Code | 137 |
OIDC | Indicator | Code | 138 |
OGSP | Goods Shipment | Code | 139 |
OPDF | Payment Draft | DocEntry | 140 |
OQWZ | Query Wizard | Code | 141 |
OASG | Account Segmentation | AbsId | 142 |
OASC | Account Segmentation Categories | SegmentId, Code | 143 |
OLCT | Location | Code | 144 |
OTNN | 1099 Forms | FormCode | 145 |
OCYC | Cycle | Code | 146 |
OPYM | Payment Methods for Payment Wizard | PayMethCod | 147 |
OTOB | 1099 Opening Balance | VendCode, Form1099, Box1099 | 148 |
ORIT | Dunning Interest Rate | Code | 149 |
OBPP | BP Priorities | PrioCode | 150 |
ODUN | Dunning Letters | LineNum | 151 |
CUFD | User Fields – Description | TableID, FieldID | 152 |
OUTB | User Tables | TableName | 153 |
OCUMI | My Menu Items | UserSign , Id_ | 154 |
OPYD | Payment Run | Code | 155 |
OPKL | Pick List | AbsEntry | 156 |
OPWZ | Payment Wizard | IdNumber | 157 |
OPEX | Payment Results Table | AbsEntry | 158 |
OPYB | Payment Block | AbsEntry | 159 |
OUQR | Queries | IntrnalKey, Qcategory | 160 |
OCBI | Central Bank Ind. | Indicator | 161 |
OMRV | Inventory Revaluation | DocEntry | 162 |
OCPI | A/P Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 163 |
OCPV | A/P Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 164 |
OCSI | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 165 |
OCSV | A/R Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 166 |
OSCS | Service Call Statuses | statusID | 167 |
OSCT | Service Call Types | callTypeID | 168 |
OSCP | Service Call Problem Types | prblmTypID | 169 |
OCTT | Contract Template | TmpltName | 170 |
OHEM | Employees | empID | 171 |
OHTY | Employee Types | typeID | 172 |
OHST | Employee Status | statusID | 173 |
OHTR | Termination Reason | reasonID | 174 |
OHED | Education Types | edType | 175 |
OINS | Customer Equipment Card | insID | 176 |
OAGP | Agent Name | AgentCode | 177 |
OWHT | Withholding Tax | WTCode | 178 |
ORFL | Already Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports | DocEntry, ReportType, DocType, LineNum, TaxCode, OrdinalNum | 179 |
OVTR | Tax Report | AbsEntry | 180 |
OBOE | Bill of Exchange for Payment | BoeKey | 181 |
OBOT | Bill Of Exchang Transaction | AbsEntry | 182 |
OFRM | File Format | AbsEntry | 183 |
OPID | Period Indicator | Indicator | 184 |
ODOR | Doubtful Debts | AbsEntry | 185 |
OHLD | Holiday Table | HldCode | 186 |
OCRB | BP – Bank Account | Country, BankCode, Account, CardCode | 187 |
OSST | Service Call Solution Statuses | Number | 188 |
OSLT | Service Call Solutions | SltCode | 189 |
OCTR | Service Contracts | ContractID | 190 |
OSCL | Service Calls | callID | 191 |
OSCO | Service Call Origins | originID | 192 |
OUKD | User Key Description | TableName, KeyId | 193 |
OQUE | Queue | queueID | 194 |
OIWZ | Inflation Wizard | AbsEntry | 195 |
ODUT | Dunning Terms | TermCode | 196 |
ODWZ | Dunning Wizard | WizardId | 197 |
OFCT | Sales Forecast | AbsID | 198 |
OMSN | MRP Scenarios | AbsEntry | 199 |
OTER | Territories | territryID | 200 |
OOND | Industries | IndCode | 201 |
OWOR | Production Order | DocEntry | 202 |
ODPI | A/R Down Payment | DocEntry | 203 |
ODPO | A/P Down Payment | DocEntry | 204 |
OPKG | Package Types | PkgCode | 205 |
OUDO | User-Defined Object | Code | 206 |
ODOW | Data Ownership – Objects | Object, SubObject | 207 |
ODOX | Data Ownership – Exceptions | QueryId, Object, SubObject | 208 |
209 | |||
OHPS | Employee Position | posID | 210 |
OHTM | Employee Teams | teamID | 211 |
OORL | Relationships | OrlCode | 212 |
ORCM | Recommendation Data | DocEntry | 213 |
OUPT | User Autorization Tree | AbsId | 214 |
OPDT | Predefined Text | AbsEntry | 215 |
OBOX | Box Definition | BoxCode, ReportType, BosCode | 216 |
OCLA | Activity Status | statusID | 217 |
OCHF | 312 | ObjName | 218 |
OCSHS | User-Defined Values | IndexID | 219 |
OACP | Periods Category | AbsEntry | 220 |
OATC | Attachments | AbsEntry | 221 |
OGFL | Grid Filter | FormID, GridID, UserCode | 222 |
OLNG | User Language Table | Code | 223 |
OMLT | Multi-Language Translation | TranEntry | 224 |
OAPA3 | 225 | ||
OAPA4 | 226 | ||
OAPA5 | 227 | ||
SDIS | Dynamic Interface (Strings) | FormId, ItemId, ColumnId, Language | 229 |
OSVR | Saved Reconciliations | acctCode | 230 |
DSC1 | House Bank Accounts | AbsEntry | 231 |
RDOC | Document | DocCode | 232 |
ODGP | Document Generation Parameter Sets | AbsEntry | 233 |
OMHD | #740 | AlertCode | 234 |
OACG | Account Category | AbsId | 238 |
OBCA | Bank Charges Allocation Codes | Code | 239 |
OCFT | Cash Flow Transactions – Rows | CFTId | 241 |
OCFW | Cash Flow Line Item | CFWId | 242 |
OBPL | Business Place | BPLId | 247 |
OJPE | Local Era Calendar | Code | 250 |
ODIM | Cost Accounting Dimension | DimCode | 251 |
OSCD | Service Code Table | AbsEntry | 254 |
OSGP | Service Group for Brazil | AbsEntry | 255 |
OMGP | Material Group | AbsEntry | 256 |
ONCM | NCM Code | AbsEntry | 257 |
OCFP | CFOP for Nota Fiscal | ID | 258 |
OTSC | CST Code for Nota Fiscal | ID | 259 |
OUSG | Usage of Nota Fiscal | ID | 260 |
OCDP | Closing Date Procedure | ClsDateNum | 261 |
ONFN | Nota Fiscal Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 263 |
ONFT | Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil) | AbsId | 264 |
OCNT | Counties | AbsId | 265 |
OTCD | Tax Code Determination | AbsId | 266 |
ODTY | BoE Document Type | AbsEntry | 267 |
OPTF | BoE Portfolio | AbsEntry | 268 |
OIST | BoE Instruction | AbsEntry | 269 |
OTPS | Tax Parameter | AbsId | 271 |
OTFC | Tax Type Combination | AbsId | 275 |
OFML | Tax Formula Master Table | AbsId | 276 |
OCNA | CNAE Code | AbsId | 278 |
OTSI | Sales Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 280 |
OTPI | Purchase Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 281 |
OCCD | Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers | CCDNum | 283 |
ORSC | Resources | ResCode | 290 |
ORSG | Resource Properties | ResTypCod | 291 |
ORSB | ResGrpCod | ResGrpCod | 292 |
RecordSet | 300 | ||
Bridge | 305 | ||
OITR | Internal Reconciliation | ReconNum | 321 |
OPOS | POS Master Data | EquipNo | 541 |
ODRF | Stock Transfer Draft | DocEntry | 1179 |
OMSG | Messaging Service Settings | USERID | 10000105 |
OBTN | Batch Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000044 |
OSRN | Serial Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000045 |
OIVK | IVL Vs OINM Keys | TransSeq | 10000062 |
OIQR | Inventory Posting | DocEntry | 10000071 |
OFYM | Financial Year Master | AbsId | 10000073 |
OSEC | Sections | AbsId | 10000074 |
OCSN | Certificate Series | AbsId | 10000075 |
ONOA | Nature of Assessee | AbsId | 10000077 |
RTYP | Document Type List | CODE | 10000196 |
OUGP | UoM Group | UgpEntry | 10000197 |
OUOM | UoM Master Data | UomEntry | 10000199 |
OBFC | Bin Field Configuration | AbsEntry | 10000203 |
OBAT | Bin Location Attribute | AbsEntry | 10000204 |
OBSL | Warehouse Sublevel | AbsEntry | 10000205 |
OBIN | Bin Location | AbsEntry | 10000206 |
ODNF | DNF Code | AbsEntry | 140000041 |
OUGR | Authorization Group | GroupId | 231000000 |
OEGP | E-Mail Group | EmlGrpCode | 234000004 |
OGPC | Government Payment Code | AbsId | 243000001 |
OIQI | Inventory Opening Balance | DocEntry | 310000001 |
OBTW | Batch Attributes in Location | AbsEntry | 310000008 |
OLLF | Legal List Format | AbsEntry | 410000005 |
OHET | Object: HR Employee Transfer | TransferID | 480000001 |
OTCX | Tax Code Determination | DocEntry | 540000005 |
OPQT | Purchase Quotation | DocEntry | 540000006 |
ORCP | Recurring Transaction Template | AbsEntry | 540000040 |
OCCT | Cost Center Type | CctCode | 540000042 |
OACR | Accrual Type | Code | 540000048 |
ONFM | Nota Fiscal Model | AbsEntry | 540000056 |
OBFI | Brazil Fuel Indexer | ID | 540000067 |
OBBI | Brazil Beverage Indexer | ID | 540000068 |
OCPT | Cockpit Main Table | AbsEntry | 1210000000 |
OWTQ | Inventory Transfer Request | DocEntry | 1250000001 |
OOAT | Blanket Agreement | AbsID | 1250000025 |
OKPI | Key Performance Indicator Package | AbsEntry | 1320000000 |
OTGG | Target Group | TargetCode | 1320000002 |
OCPN | Campaign | CpnNo | 1320000012 |
OROC | Retorno Operation Codes | AbsEntry | 1320000028 |
OPSC | Product Source Code | Code | 1320000039 |
ODTP | Fixed Assets Depreciation Types | Code | 1470000000 |
OADT | Fixed Assets Account Determination | Code | 1470000002 |
ODPA | Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas | Code | 1470000003 |
ODPP | Depreciation Type Pools | Code | 1470000004 |
OACS | Asset Classes | Code | 1470000032 |
OAGS | Asset Groups | Code | 1470000046 |
ODMC | G/L Account Determination Criteria – Inventory | DmcId | 1470000048 |
OACQ | Capitalization | DocEntry | 1470000049 |
OGAR | G/L Account Advanced Rules | AbsEntry | 1470000057 |
OACD | Credit Memo | DocEntry | 1470000060 |
OBCD | Bar Code Master Data | BcdEntry | 1470000062 |
OINC | Inventory Counting | DocEntry | 1470000065 |
OEDG | Discount Groups | AbsEntry | 1470000077 |
OCCS | Cycle Count Determination | WhsCode | 1470000092 |
OPRQ | Purchase Request | DocEntry | 1470000113 |
OWLS | Workflow – Task Details | TaskID | 1620000000 |
And how about your User Defined Object (UDO’s) object type?
All of UDO’s Object Types will be same with UDO’s Object Code.
Also read:
You can easily find your UDO’s object code on:
Tools → Customization Tools → User Object Registration Wizard