When you generate a financial reports, or inventory reports somehow you’ll find various document type on it, such as: IN, PU, PD, JE, DP, etc.
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It was called document type.
Note that all of document type not stored on any table on SAP Business One.
Abbreviation | Transaction Type |
OB | Opening Balance |
BC | Closing Balance |
JE | Journal Entry |
DN | Delivery |
RE | Return |
IN | A/R Invoice |
IN | A/R Invoice + Payment |
IN | A/R Reserve Invoice |
IN | A/R Debit Memo |
IN | A/R Invoice Exempt |
IN | A/R Bill |
IN | A/R Exempt Bill |
IN | A/R Export Invoice |
DT | A/R Down Payment Invoice |
CN | A/R Credit Memo |
PD | Goods Receipt PO |
PR | Goods Return |
PU | A/P Invoice |
PU | A/P Reserve Invoice |
PU | Internal Invoice |
PU | A/P Debit Memo |
DT | A/P Down Payment Invoice |
PC | A/P Credit Memo |
IF | Landed Costs |
RC | Incoming Payment |
DP | Deposit |
DD | Postdated Credit Voucher Deposit |
PS | Outgoing Payments |
CP | Checks for Payment |
BT | BoE – Deposit to Paid |
SO | Goods Issue |
SI | Goods Receipt |
IM | Inventory Transfer |
ST | Inventory Posting |
MR | Inventory Revaluation |
PW | Production Order |
SI | Receipt from Production |
SO | Issue for Production |
JR | Journal Reconciliation |
CI | Correction Invoice |
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