Using a SAP standard Approval Template, and as an Approver, you need to check out the documents, but there’s an error message “Internal error (1) occurred [Message 131-183]”
For some version SAP below 9.2, there’s a bug on Approval Status Report. We want to share some tips for all of you, instead of upgrade your SAP, especially for version 9.1 users.
As they development team said, there’s will be no plan to fixing this bug on SAP 9.1.
So, don’t worry ,you still can avoid this bug with simple tips.
SAP Business One does incorrectly use UserName instead of UserCode to get the Approval Status Report.
Please in order to avoid this Business One bug, shorten the UserNames to maximum 31 characters.
The root cause of this internal error is that some SAP Business One users have a UserName longer than 31 characters. SAP already fixing this bug on SAP version 9.2 Patch Level 07.
Hope this article will be useful ?
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