If there is a third party involved in the sales of specific products or services to customers, this third party can be added to the customer master data of the related customers. This third party is referred to as a channel partner, which is a business partner of the company and can be a reseller, service provider, distributor, or agent assisting in the sale of products or services to customers. In SAP Business One, to reference a channel partner to existing customer data, you can access it through Business Partners > Business Partner Master Data menu. You can input the Business Partner code of the channel partner into the “BP Channel Code” field. Please note that only business partners with the “Customer” type can be filled in the BP Channel Code field.
When creating marketing documents for customers or leads, the channel partner data will automatically appear in the “BP Channel Name” and “BP Channel Contact” fields. By linking customer data with channel partners, the company can maintain a good relationship with channel partners and efficiently manage collaboration in selling products or services to customers.
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